Imagefap beta gallery download

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A little bit of justification would be is that if you like a gallery, you don't need to download it. The people downloading massive amounts of galleries was slowing the site down for the casual users.

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This past week we spent some time on the beta site making improvements and things on the 'back end' that you won't notice. As I mentioned in other sections of the forum, a beta site is not a finished product.

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After evaluating all of our options we going to stop the beta site from downloading galleries. This massive downloading is going to stop or be limited. You see, some users, as many as 1000 a day, will simply be using the site to download entire galleries. And it is being worked on if not fixed already by the time you read this. Retry in 1 hour : This error happens for a few reasons. Reading this earlier news your ISP might be a problem if your in the UK on BT

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It feels more like a bandwidth limitation than pic numbers

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